"Whoever manipulates a tachometer is not guilty of faking up technical records."
That was adjusted by the Federal Court of Justice in a leading decision (Az. 4 Str. 654/79)
Reason: "The mileage as read from odometer (mileage indicator) in a vehicle is not a
technical recording in terms of § 268 StR."
Whoever changes the mileage to achieve a better price in selling is cheating the customer.
The legislator imposes a penalty up to five years or a fine. Every defrauded customer is
enable to give back the vehicle and reclaim the purchase price. Furthermore we refer to the
point, that it is not allowed to make any adjustments with hired or leased vehicles because
they are strange belongings and every intervension means a break of agreement.
Attention. Our tools and our software are only intended for purposes of repair.